Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We Listen to You Project…

This project held by International Service, Rotaract Club Semanggi Jakarta, District 3400 Indonesia. The objective of this project is to find out what is the perception of other Rotaractors all over the world about Indonesia, for supporting Indonesian Government Programme Visit Indonesian Year 2008.

We always waiting for you thinking, comment and opinion about Indonesia. It can be positive or negative, just speak your voice. It is time for us to listen to you…

For the best comment we will give you special souvenir originally from Indonesia. The winner will be anonnounced at Asia Pasific Rotaract Regional Conference (APRRC), that will be held in Bali, 19-23 November 2008.

For joining this project, as simply as following this step:
1. Write down what do you think about INDONESIA (ex. culture, social life, tourism destination, etc.)
2. Write also your name, club, district, and countries
3. Send it to indonesiaonperspective@gmail.com
4. Check on http://indonesiaonperspective.wordpress.com
5. Wait for Indonesia Handicraft for the BEST COMMENT

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jakarta Goodwill Trip

Thanx to Aira for creating this.......=p

Saturday, December 6, 2008

RACUTP 9th Installation Dinner

Better late than never, errhhmm..

Yes, we had our 9th Installation Ceremony at Ipoh City and Country's Club instead! And most of the 120 people turnout arrived dressed up to the theme of a Scarf and Tie Affair

On the top right, it's the V.I.P table with IPP Joshua Ng, Rotarian Arthur, the District Governor and President of the Rotary Club of Kinta

The immediate past board of Directors being honoured

Board of Directors of the 08/09 term

The on-goings of the night - we had a beauty pageant, performances by Christon and Adonis (not in pic),  breakdancing and that, at the bottom left, is the lucky winner of a 3D2N room at Havana Beach Resort!!

President Jasmitt with (left) Club Advisor, Mr Zulkarnan Abdul and (right) Rotarian Advisor, Mr Arthur Yeong

Friday, December 5, 2008

Director's Note on Jakarta Trip 08

Initially, the plan was to go to Hong Kong and Indonesia was actually my backup plan.  I started looking for contacts via Rotaract.net (introduced to me by my predecessor, Director Kong), Friendster and also through the wonders of ‘Googling’.

It was then that I’ve managed to get into contact with a few Rotaractors from Hong Kong and a Malaysian studying at a Hong Kong Polytechnic University for help. The Rotaract Club that the club hosted last year, RAC of Hong Kong University, also offered to lend a hand.

The following is the initial short-listed places for us to visit : 


1.      Sheung Tak Child Care Centre (for hearing impaired children)

               尚德幼兒中心 (為聽覺受損兒童而設)

        2.      Wan Tsui Centre 

3.      Morrison Hill Child Development Centre (SCCC)

               摩理臣山兒童發展中心 (特殊幼兒中心)

4.      Ebenezer Child Care Centre (for visually impaired children)

               心光幼兒中心 (為視覺受損兒童而設)

        5.      Cheung Wah Special Child Care Centre 


Unfortunately, due to time constraints (it was mid June when I first got into contact with them and the trip was scheduled to be in December), all of them turned me down. It seemed that they needed at least a year’s notice for such visits. It was after a board meeting that I’ve decided to switch my attention to Indonesia. A quote from Rotarian Arthur “ If you feel that you are banging your head on the wall, then you should know that it’s time to stop or quit”.


With that, I was back to square one. Fortunately, a handful of Rotaract Clubs of Indonesia expressed their interest in helping. And that was how it all begun. ** To tell the truth, I planned to have this trip during the semester break of July 2009 but hey, why limit our goodwill trip to being an annual affair? So, here’s the news, the avenue is planning to organize two of such trips this term (fingers crossed).


Since the month of July, I have been keeping an eye on the rates of Air Asia. Waiting and waiting for the right time to get hold the cheap tickets. The opportunity came but I have yet finalized my plans with my Indonesian counterparts! The proposal and promotional posters were not done yet. It was in two the morning and there were just so much to do!

I would be having a lab session at 8am and with the remaining hours till then, the proposal was completed. I decided to ‘recycle’ the poster that Past Director Kong had used, with a few tweaks and all, of course. Not a glorifying thing to do – but pardon me for it was my first time coming up with a proposal and organizing such a trip.

The proposal was sent in that very morning and I managed to convince Student Support Service (SSS) to have it approved there and then. That was extremely relieving as generally, it would take at least a month for off-campus events to be approved and the Air Asia promotion was only valid for less than two weeks then. Tickets to Jakarta would normally cost around RM110-200 but on promotions, they were only RM 40-70 each!

That night, the posters were up with the help of the rest of the avenue. Of course, the worries of the tickets being snapped up still lingered throughout the ten odd days.

My first trip presentation during a club meeting went well although I had had some reservations initially. The respond was fairly good. Most of the club members thought of the trip to be a recreational one and when I got to the community service part, their expressions were a straightforward “No Way!”.


All in all, ten people showed their interest. They are:

1.      Jasmitt Bhullar ( President of RACUTP 08/09 )  

2.      Aira Amira Abd Raman ( Secretary I )

3.      Sandeep Ramakrishnan

4.      Tan Xiao Ci

5.      Lee Kuo Chun  

6.      Timonthy Ganesan

7.      Suren Lim Sinnaduraj

8.      Jasvinder Singh Gill

9.      Nur Fathiah Bt Jasmari

10.  Beshari


The original duration (10th - 17th December 2008) was extended till 19th December as we wanted to make a visit to the famous Borobodur at Yogjakarta. Luck was on our side – there was a ticket promotion going.


Hence, the flight arrangements were made and my focus was then shifted to the activities there. With the assistance of three clubs ( RAC Semanggi, RAC Gambir, and RAC Lippo Karawaci ), the first itinerary was outlined.

Special thanks to the Director of Funding, Rtr. Lee See for helping me recruit sponsors, both monetary as well as merchandise (colour pencils and stationeries for the children there).  Besides that,I am very appreciative of Rtr Koong Xin Yi (of the Community Service Avenue) and her mother. They sponsored 40 story books and 38 pencil boxes – Thank you very much, Mdm Koong and Rtr. Koong!



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

of breakdancing and spaghetti

We had Turkmenistan Spaghetti gracing our last club meeting!!

Thanks to Azat and Baktiar for guiding the participants. It came as a surprise that besides being great break dancers, they could cook up a storm as well.

This week, it was an exciting battle between Club Serve (headed by the ever sporting Rtr HaHa) and Funding ( leaded by vivacious Rtr Lee See).

Enough said. Pictures, everyone!

Boiling the spaghetti at the back of the hall.
Rotarian's Tip of the Day : to determine whether the noodles were cooked, throw them at a wall. If they stick to the wall, voila, you have pasta!

the original dish ;)

the main ingredients : tomatoes, onions and chicken

[Above and below] Directors doing their thing~

Rtr Alexander doing all the work..

the turnout that night

Bon Appetite!

President Jasmitt handing out the certificate of appreciation

Participants of the night

*Pictures courtesy of Rtr Gary

Monday, September 15, 2008

if you have a say

Another defining moment for the International Service Avenue : isa.racutp@gmail.com

So any comments, suggestions and complaints can be directed there.

Short note - RACUTP's 9th Installation Dinner would be held this Saturday (20th Sept) at Ipoh City and Country Club. Tickets are priced at RM 38 each. Join us for a scarf-and-tie affair and you might just win yourself a 3D2N room at Havana Beach Resort, Teluk Nipah, Pangkor!! [ www.havana.com.my ]

Get your tickets now from any members of the Board of Directors. Cya there~

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yummy yummy...

Last Monday, our International Food Fest kick-started with favourable responses from those who attended the club meeting. Unlike before, where our Food Fests are merely potlucks, a lil twist is added to this year's Food Fest.

Instead of just tasting the food, for every club meetings to come this semester, there would be a couple of teams pitting against each other in whipping up the 'Dish of the Week'. For each round, our International friends would be there to guide the teams. In plain English - a cooking competition lar~. This time round, the lucky contestants are - Rotarian Arthur, President Jasmitt, Director Jerry and Assistant Director Arvinder.

And Thai students Leena Yeewae, Abeedin Adulphakdee, Umdao Nopparat, Sariyah Puteh, and Hafsah U-Seng were kind enough to lend us a hand.

The 'hands' behind Food Fest (from left) :
Rtr Liang Yi, Rtr Xiao Ci, and Rtr Arthit

A rare sight

Our Assistant Director hard at work!

The 'Golden' Team being mobbed by the crowd

Dish of the Week :
The creamy and fragant Coconut Chicken Soup

For you absentees out there, this is what you guys had missed out!

Some finishing touches....

Participants of the night

Many thanks to (from left) Leena, Umdao and Abeedin!

Of course, the original Coconut Chicken Soup was prepared beforehand for everyone to taste. At the end of the night, the winners (judged by our International friends) were announced and drum- rolls please.........the International Avenue Service team won!!

That's all for now, see you guys same place, same time on the 22nd September for another round of our revamped International Food Fest. Don't forget to bring your spoons, forks and friends ;)

P/s Those interested in our Jakarta trip, you can still register with Jerry. Do it as soon as possible please

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rotary Youth Exchange - Long-Term Program Application

A life-changing experience awaits you. Check out http://www.yepmalaysia.com/ for more details

Official Application Form for the Rotary Youth Exchange Long-Term Program is now available for download.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Olympicious Nite

Recently, we had our club meeting on the 28th of August. For our avenue, we presented on the recent Olympic Games that was held in Beijing, China. We got to know the history of the Olympics, how the Olympics today shaped the world, the list of games held at the Beijing Olympics and, also about its six mascots.

Here are some snapshots of the meeting:

Here's Rotarian Arthur and President
Jasmitt in the front row

's report after the presentation

Ancient Olympics..

The game of the night

We're actually trying to
mimic the Beijing Olympic mascots!

Coming to you soon - Project GAIA ! We're collecting empty mineral water bottles of any sizes. If you do have any, please pass them to any one of us!
Email us to have your inquiries answered.
jerryfoo89@gmail.com or arvinder8912@gmail.com or nakailun@gmail.com

Look out for something delicious at our next club meeting! Till then...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

International Goodwill Trip to Jakarta!

Hey everyone! The International Service Avenue is organizing an International Goodwill Trip to Jakarta, Indonesia. It is all set to be on the 10th to 17th of December 2008. We will be visiting the following places for some community service:

Teluk Naga Village School

Community Service
with the street kids

they are actually planting
mangrove trees...

Darmais Cancer Children Hospital

Besides that, we will also be going to interesting spots such as:

Ancol, Jakarta Bay

The National Monument

Java Borobudur

Miniature Indonesia

Last but not least, the University of Trisakti for some time with the Rotaractors there!

These are just the tip of an iceberg.

So what you're waiting for? For only RM950 per person, you could be part of a memorable and giving trip, meet new people and rediscover yourself, maybe. Please sign up by 10th September 2008.
For more info, feel free to email Rotaractor Jerry at jerryfoo89@gmail.com
You can also visit http://racjakartagambir.multiply.com/ for more info.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thumb printing poster!!

This poster is a part of the IS Avenue contribution towards our RACUTP's mega project for 2008/2009. More than 500 students shown their support in "Stop Global Warming" Campaign by thumb-print on the poster. Thanks to all IS Ave. committee for their effort to make this project a success.

Attention to all Rotaractors from around the world

"Hi, I am Jerry Foo from the Rotarct Club University Technology Petronas , District 3300, MALAYSIA. I am the International ServiceDirector of Rotaract Club of Univerity Technology Petronas for thisyear. Rotaract Club of University Technology Petronas will be veryhappy to work with Rotaractors from any club and country. We also would like to twin our club and also want to exchange ournational flag,club pin,shirt and etc with any rotaractclub from any country.For more detail you can e-mail me at mailto:jerryfoo89@gmail.com"

Qouted from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rotaractnet/

New Board for IS Avenue 2008/2009

It's time to introduce the new faces in IS Ave. Board for 2008/2009~! They will be the new admins for this site too~!

From left: DIRECTOR: Jerry Foo Kok Xiang
ASST. DIRECTOR 1: Na Kai Lun a.k.a Karen
ASST. DIRECTOR 2: Arvinder Singh s/o Sarjit Singh

Congratulations to three of them!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Best Project Organised 2007/2008

On 21st April 2008, International Service Avenue of RACUTP is honoured to receive"Best Project Organised for 2007/2008" award. This award not only meant for IS Avenue but also for those who have participated it either directly or indirectly. Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the participants as such:
  • Alaa El-Din a.k.a Chester : Assistant Project Director
  • Dismas Bismo : A superb video editor
  • Lim Qi Hua
  • Kulvinder Kaur
  • Ong Kee Hui
  • Aaron Ang Kok Wye
  • Tan Shea Teng a.k.a Ashley
  • Mr. Zulkarnan Abdul : Without you, our trip wont be approved by the University Management
  • Rotarian Arthur : Thank you for your guidance and advices
  • Last but not least, President Joshua : Leader makes great leaders, that's all i wanna say :)

I would say this blog is not yet ending.. Why? You will know later :)

Thailand Trip featured in Governor's Newsletter, Issue No. 9, March 2008

Front Page
We are in Page 8~!

(Pls click on the picture for larger view and feel free to download it :) )

Thanks to Rotarian Arthur for his effort to submit our trip report to Rotary District 3300 for this publication