Tuesday, September 2, 2008

International Goodwill Trip to Jakarta!

Hey everyone! The International Service Avenue is organizing an International Goodwill Trip to Jakarta, Indonesia. It is all set to be on the 10th to 17th of December 2008. We will be visiting the following places for some community service:

Teluk Naga Village School

Community Service
with the street kids

they are actually planting
mangrove trees...

Darmais Cancer Children Hospital

Besides that, we will also be going to interesting spots such as:

Ancol, Jakarta Bay

The National Monument

Java Borobudur

Miniature Indonesia

Last but not least, the University of Trisakti for some time with the Rotaractors there!

These are just the tip of an iceberg.

So what you're waiting for? For only RM950 per person, you could be part of a memorable and giving trip, meet new people and rediscover yourself, maybe. Please sign up by 10th September 2008.
For more info, feel free to email Rotaractor Jerry at jerryfoo89@gmail.com
You can also visit http://racjakartagambir.multiply.com/ for more info.


Joshua said...

So this IS trip is confirm ah? Do send us the latest updates ya.

Sanjeev said...

yup...keep the alumni updated :)
we'll be ever ready, ever willing to join in

grt job done guys
