Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We Listen to You Project…

This project held by International Service, Rotaract Club Semanggi Jakarta, District 3400 Indonesia. The objective of this project is to find out what is the perception of other Rotaractors all over the world about Indonesia, for supporting Indonesian Government Programme Visit Indonesian Year 2008.

We always waiting for you thinking, comment and opinion about Indonesia. It can be positive or negative, just speak your voice. It is time for us to listen to you…

For the best comment we will give you special souvenir originally from Indonesia. The winner will be anonnounced at Asia Pasific Rotaract Regional Conference (APRRC), that will be held in Bali, 19-23 November 2008.

For joining this project, as simply as following this step:
1. Write down what do you think about INDONESIA (ex. culture, social life, tourism destination, etc.)
2. Write also your name, club, district, and countries
3. Send it to indonesiaonperspective@gmail.com
4. Check on http://indonesiaonperspective.wordpress.com
5. Wait for Indonesia Handicraft for the BEST COMMENT


tuhu said...

Thank you Jerry for posting it in your blog. Hope we got lot of comment from your Club...

Joshua said...

The winner will be anonnounced at Asia Pasific Rotaract Regional Conference (APRRC), that will be held in Bali, 19-23 November 2008. ???
when's the next APRRC?