Tuesday, September 23, 2008

of breakdancing and spaghetti

We had Turkmenistan Spaghetti gracing our last club meeting!!

Thanks to Azat and Baktiar for guiding the participants. It came as a surprise that besides being great break dancers, they could cook up a storm as well.

This week, it was an exciting battle between Club Serve (headed by the ever sporting Rtr HaHa) and Funding ( leaded by vivacious Rtr Lee See).

Enough said. Pictures, everyone!

Boiling the spaghetti at the back of the hall.
Rotarian's Tip of the Day : to determine whether the noodles were cooked, throw them at a wall. If they stick to the wall, voila, you have pasta!

the original dish ;)

the main ingredients : tomatoes, onions and chicken

[Above and below] Directors doing their thing~

Rtr Alexander doing all the work..

the turnout that night

Bon Appetite!

President Jasmitt handing out the certificate of appreciation

Participants of the night

*Pictures courtesy of Rtr Gary

Monday, September 15, 2008

if you have a say

Another defining moment for the International Service Avenue : isa.racutp@gmail.com

So any comments, suggestions and complaints can be directed there.

Short note - RACUTP's 9th Installation Dinner would be held this Saturday (20th Sept) at Ipoh City and Country Club. Tickets are priced at RM 38 each. Join us for a scarf-and-tie affair and you might just win yourself a 3D2N room at Havana Beach Resort, Teluk Nipah, Pangkor!! [ www.havana.com.my ]

Get your tickets now from any members of the Board of Directors. Cya there~

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yummy yummy...

Last Monday, our International Food Fest kick-started with favourable responses from those who attended the club meeting. Unlike before, where our Food Fests are merely potlucks, a lil twist is added to this year's Food Fest.

Instead of just tasting the food, for every club meetings to come this semester, there would be a couple of teams pitting against each other in whipping up the 'Dish of the Week'. For each round, our International friends would be there to guide the teams. In plain English - a cooking competition lar~. This time round, the lucky contestants are - Rotarian Arthur, President Jasmitt, Director Jerry and Assistant Director Arvinder.

And Thai students Leena Yeewae, Abeedin Adulphakdee, Umdao Nopparat, Sariyah Puteh, and Hafsah U-Seng were kind enough to lend us a hand.

The 'hands' behind Food Fest (from left) :
Rtr Liang Yi, Rtr Xiao Ci, and Rtr Arthit

A rare sight

Our Assistant Director hard at work!

The 'Golden' Team being mobbed by the crowd

Dish of the Week :
The creamy and fragant Coconut Chicken Soup

For you absentees out there, this is what you guys had missed out!

Some finishing touches....

Participants of the night

Many thanks to (from left) Leena, Umdao and Abeedin!

Of course, the original Coconut Chicken Soup was prepared beforehand for everyone to taste. At the end of the night, the winners (judged by our International friends) were announced and drum- rolls please.........the International Avenue Service team won!!

That's all for now, see you guys same place, same time on the 22nd September for another round of our revamped International Food Fest. Don't forget to bring your spoons, forks and friends ;)

P/s Those interested in our Jakarta trip, you can still register with Jerry. Do it as soon as possible please

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rotary Youth Exchange - Long-Term Program Application

A life-changing experience awaits you. Check out http://www.yepmalaysia.com/ for more details

Official Application Form for the Rotary Youth Exchange Long-Term Program is now available for download.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Olympicious Nite

Recently, we had our club meeting on the 28th of August. For our avenue, we presented on the recent Olympic Games that was held in Beijing, China. We got to know the history of the Olympics, how the Olympics today shaped the world, the list of games held at the Beijing Olympics and, also about its six mascots.

Here are some snapshots of the meeting:

Here's Rotarian Arthur and President
Jasmitt in the front row

's report after the presentation

Ancient Olympics..

The game of the night

We're actually trying to
mimic the Beijing Olympic mascots!

Coming to you soon - Project GAIA ! We're collecting empty mineral water bottles of any sizes. If you do have any, please pass them to any one of us!
Email us to have your inquiries answered.
jerryfoo89@gmail.com or arvinder8912@gmail.com or nakailun@gmail.com

Look out for something delicious at our next club meeting! Till then...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

International Goodwill Trip to Jakarta!

Hey everyone! The International Service Avenue is organizing an International Goodwill Trip to Jakarta, Indonesia. It is all set to be on the 10th to 17th of December 2008. We will be visiting the following places for some community service:

Teluk Naga Village School

Community Service
with the street kids

they are actually planting
mangrove trees...

Darmais Cancer Children Hospital

Besides that, we will also be going to interesting spots such as:

Ancol, Jakarta Bay

The National Monument

Java Borobudur

Miniature Indonesia

Last but not least, the University of Trisakti for some time with the Rotaractors there!

These are just the tip of an iceberg.

So what you're waiting for? For only RM950 per person, you could be part of a memorable and giving trip, meet new people and rediscover yourself, maybe. Please sign up by 10th September 2008.
For more info, feel free to email Rotaractor Jerry at jerryfoo89@gmail.com
You can also visit http://racjakartagambir.multiply.com/ for more info.